Iowa Stater elected to executive board of Federal Consortium

Jeri Derrig

An Iowa State staff member has a part in furthering technology worldwide.

Todd Zdorkowsi, technology transfer associate for the Center for Advanced Technology Development (CATD), has been elected to the executive board of the Federal Consortium (FLC).

Zdorkowski, who also is coordinator of the Office of Research and Technology Application for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory, was elected council member for the FLC in July.

The FLC was created in 1974 to promote and strengthen the transference of technology worldwide.

It consists of more than 600 of the largest government research laboratories and centers from 16 federal agencies.

“[The FLC] is an organization created by federal legislation. The function is to provide a forum in which federal laboratories can meet together to stimulate the movement of federal technology,” Zdorkowski said.

“All agencies of the federal government have laboratories that investigate the technology that will help them to meet their mission needs,” he said.

Zdorkowski said the U.S. Army, for example, has a number of laboratories that investigate the full range of the equipment, tools, supplies and strategies used by the army.

He said the army manages the largest fleet of motorized vehicles in the world and, as a result, has a sophisticated motor vehicle research program.

It also has sophisticated clothing, medical, foods, manufacturing and training laboratories.

Each of these is productive, and the army has a good record transferring developments from its laboratories into the private sector, he said.

Zdorkowski said his roles at the Ames Lab include stimulating and responding to requests for interaction from businesses and industries, universities or other research institutions and agencies of government.

Zdorkowski has worked with the FLC in various service capacities for 10 years and has received the FLC’s Outstanding Service Award.

He also has been employed with the Ames Lab since 1995 and CATD since 1996.

He will serve on the FLC Executive Board for one year.