Problem with Veishea

Wendy Gilliland

The stem of the problem last Veishea was having the Kiss concert on the Saturday night of Veishea weekend. First, Veishea attracts ISU students and people from all of the surrounding towns to Campustown. Then, on top of this monstrous crowd, there were thousands of Kiss fans in Ames for the concert. As a friend said, “Kiss fans could cause havoc in heaven.”

Now, the administration would like to blame alcohol, but I think their efforts are going to cause more problems than help the situation. I’m no psychic, but it does not take much to figure out that the drinking is going to move out of Campustown and into off-campus and the surrounding towns. So, instead of people getting drunk and walking around Campustown, there will be people getting drunk and driving back across town or back into town. Yes, a rabid squirrel would have more sense than to be on the road under these circumstances.

Wendy Gilliland


Literary studies