Wisconsin band Truck stoppin’ at The M-Shop

David Faux

Green Bay fans, beer and Front of Truck all have a common home — Milwaukee, Wis.

The winner of “Milwaukee’s Best Rock Band,” FOT is riding on a wave of critical acclaim since its premier self-titled, full-length CD has generated national attention.

And national attention comes in all forms, including the “Jenny Jones Show” and a feature song on “Party of Five.” With all of this attention, audiences have to wonder what makes FOT stand out from other rock ‘n’ roll bands.

One of FOT’s most unique qualities is that all four members are songwriters and singers that have uniquely different ideas and sounds. Each member even takes turns singing lead, unique for any band.

But Front of Truck’s biggest challenge is melding the voices into a workable harmony.

“All four of us are song writers and like to sing our own ideas and songs,” band member Steve Vermillion said. “My twin brother, Gary and I have very similar voices, and that really helps with harmony. The addition of Ben and Randy’s voices have added a lot too.”

Harmony among each other goes beyond the vocal talents of the four members that make up Front of Truck. The vocals are carefully combined with bass, drums and guitar to create a very powerful garage-pop sound.

All of these unique sounds combined have opened opportunities for FOT to play with Foo Fighters, Tracy Bonham, Everclear and The Drovers.

“Our sound doesn’t really overlap anyone else’s, but somehow our sound works well with just about everybody,” Vermillion said.

FOT has created a reputation in Milwaukee as being an energetic and exciting band to watch. Sporting polyester shirts and demonstrating a couple of martial arts moves, the band keeps its audiences on its feet.

“We’ve been known to throw in a kung foo kick and various other theatrics into our shows to keep everyone entertained,” Vermillion said.

Milwaukee, however, is one of the few venues that has accessibility to FOT. The biggest reason is because most of the group’s touring has been limited to weekends.

“Two of us have to work part-time to pay rent, but the exposure of our new CD has really helped us get gigs on the East Coast, and this spring we head out to the West Coast,” Vermillion said.

“We really enjoy what we’re doing; it’s a release for us to play the music that we create,” Vermillion said. “We get off on performing in front of people and we love to entertain.”

FOT will be making its first appearance in Ames tonight, although this won’t be the group’s first performance in Iowa. Davenport, Cedar Falls and Iowa City have already hosted FOT.

“Each time we come back to Iowa, a whole new group of fans come and has created a great feeling for us,” Vermillion described.

Front of Truck will play tonight at the M-Shop at 9. Tickets are $4 for students, $5 general admission and are available at TicketMaster outlets.