Sept. 29 response

Tyler Teske

I read the letter to the editor by Brian Johnson, and I must say that I was surprised to see that he was emphasizing the low retention rate and graduation rate of black American students at ISU. (I am assuming that Mr. Johnson associates himself with The September 29 Movement.)

The reason I was surprised was that I had no idea they cared about anything besides a silly unresearched view of Carrie Chapman Catt and the naming of a building after this great women’s suffrage leader.

Perhaps if The Movement would address issues like discrepancies in graduation rates among minority students and, I can’t stress this point enough, effective TRUTHFUL research, a greater number of students at Iowa State would support their cause.

If you drop the Catt issue and pursue some useful cause, you may actually gain the respect of your peers and end up making a difference. Just a suggestion.

Tyler Teske


Journalism and mass communication