Screaming rape

Jennifer Wing

I’m writing this in response to Dave Andrews’ “Letter to the Editor” from Friday, Jan. 30.

I had no problem with Mr. Andrews’ viewpoint until I came to the third paragraph in which he asserted that if a man — or woman — gets laid after a night of drinking at the bar, that either he/she is lucky or that the next day their companion will scream rape or harassment. I stopped reading and thought about that statement for a second. Exactly what is Mr. Andrews implying here? Sure, he made it PC by adding the girl part to his statement, but his choice of the words “screaming rape” implies that date rape and sexual harassment never really happen and that those who do scream rape or harassment are only after money and power.

It’s amazing that Mr. Andrews, as a freshman, can make such knowledgeable comments regarding the circumstances involving every interaction between a man and a woman at the bar. Does he think sexual harassment is someone’s inability to “take a joke?” I ask Mr. Andrew this, has he ever had someone twice his size grab his ass and make graphic comments about what they’d like to do to him? I’ve had that happen, and while I think I have a pretty good sense of humor, I didn’t find it funny. I found it insulting and somewhat scary.

As for the screaming rape, I think Mr. Andrews should give serious thought to the women he upset with that comment. Women who have been date raped aren’t laughing. If Mr. Andrews asked around among his female friends, there’s someone he knows that’s been through the trauma of date rape. Ask her if she thought that comment was funny. I’d bet the answer is no.

Jennifer Wing


Journalism and mass communication