Editorial responsibility

Jonathan Wolff

I was extremely amused to read Sara Ziegler’s editorial, “Quick Es and Intolerance” in Monday’s paper. I wonder if it strikes anyone else as ironic that the people who bring us the daily dose of negativity and “witty” remarks are the same ones now telling us not to be so negative. Shame on all of us students here at Iowa State! We should be positive toward each other, tolerant, loving, and we should do it all in one little sentence.

Come on. Nobody is that naive. If the editors of the Daily don’t like what is submitted for publishing, they should do their job and EDIT. If there is something unfit for publishing because it is pointless and/or stupid, it shouldn’t be in the paper.

But really, it is so much easier to print the senseless drivel of the battles between our colleges, the downfalls of our athletics and the incompetence of our administration. After all, that is what makes people pick up the Daily and read it every day. The Daily serves its purpose as the “Quick E” newspaper. It is something that students can read in the breaks before and after class, on the bus, or at lunch.

If the editors and reporters at the Daily actually started challenging us with more insightful commentary than the latest gossip about Vanilla Ice or the pros and cons of intramural sports, students might send in more “positive” and “tolerant” comments to Quick Es.

The Daily editorial staff needs to realize that you get what you give. Treat this newspaper as your chance to make a point. Yes, it does mean extra work and, God forbid, research. Maybe, though, if the Daily takes its job of reporting and commenting on the news more seriously, the students who read the paper would respond with more interesting and less scathing remarks in the Quick Es.

Jonathan Wolff


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