Poor debate timing

Jeni Nosbisch

Once again, GSB presidential elections have come around.

Once again, the debates, in preparation of those elections, have been scheduled.

Once again, all three are held at the same time of day.

Once again, I write to protest.

Last year I wrote a mild allegation that all were held at noon in the Union to boost the Food Courts sales. I have no problem with the place itself. The Union is central, and if an event is held over the noon hour then it is certainly more convenient to stop off for lunch and take it into the debate room (if that’s allowed.)

But it is the TIMING that stinks. Why are the debates being held, again, at the same time of day? Probably half the campus can’t attend at noon for various reasons. Some people have their lunch hour from eleven to twelve, so they cannot attend. Some have a lunch hour at ten, or one, or none at all. Right there, half the electorate is unable to form a personal opinion on the candidates based on witness of the candidates’ abilities in a public forum. Half the electorate must form opinions on others’ reports, which may or may not be biased.

As I suggested last year, let at least one of the debates be held at a different hour. Perhaps 10 in the morning, or three or four in the afternoon; times when people will be on campus for some reason, but might be free. If maybe half the people are able to attend a noon debate, and maybe a third at some other hour in the normal business day, then five-sixths of the electorate have been accommodated. Maybe then more people would vote if they thought the election process were geared to them, to soliciting their views.

If all three debates are held at the same time out of consideration for some tradition, then that tradition is best ended now.

Jeni Nosbisch

