Possible myth

Jesse Young

I find the consistency, or should I say the inconsistency, of the composers of the letters to the editor, Monday, Jan. 26th rather ironic. All of the writers reiterated the same theme — investigation. How is it that these seemingly well-educated folks know so little about brain-washing, or as I like to call it, “controlled education.”

You see, there is this field of study known as psychology, where people learn how the human mind reacts to stimulus. Many of these people, known as psychologists, are interested almost exclusively in the minds of cold-blooded killers (how they work and what has triggered their behavior).

The information on necessary input is out there. This procedure (brain-washing), however, cannot reproduce identical personalities, but that is not necessarily the point. For those of you who believe that NO memory is transferred through genes, what are instincts? Oh, and by the way, identical twins, being separate entities, occupying different space and time, cannot experience identical environments, and yet more likely then not, they have very similar personalities.

The medical community has been doing much research and experimentation on DNA. They have mutated cells, by implanting specific traits in the DNA of the cell, so that the cell will indefinitely reproduce, much like cancer. The rate of this reproduction process is quite rapid, and controlled by the DNA (similar to the aging rate of human beings). With this in mind, it won’t be long before human clones are produced at an accelerated rate.

Considering the defense budget of the United States of America, money is no object. In all likelihood, wars in the future are going to be fought by unmanned machines. Which means these special people will be reserved for domestic affairs.

As far as famine-stricken children go, there are already millions. Every person born into this pompous society takes more food out of the mouths of these children, and with depleting resources and increasing populations, clones are going to create more famine.

We must do some speculation before we move any further. “The more one is sure of the results, the more one is wrong.” Some would argue civilization has already begun to collapse — this is merely the end.

Jesse Young


Mechanical engineering