Abortion rebuttal

Christian Reynolds

As a Catholic male, and not an activist, I must once again take up my keyboard and respond to an editorial posted on Thursday.

Through the magic of cut-and-paste, I quote Mr. Charles Godwin:

“If we deny women the chance to give birth on a timetable that fits their readiness, then the children we impose upon them can force them down less opportune roads in life, and frequently perpetuate cycles of poverty.”

How does the removal of abortion deny women? Last time I checked, adult women who engage in consented sexual practices made a CHOICE to participate. She chose to let the action occur. The man chose to get involved with the woman.

Choice does not imply denial in most logic circuits. Perhaps they (the couple) should consider this timetable before the heat rises. Furthermore, as adults, the couple should recognize the financial implications and avoid the predicted poverty that you suggest.

Failure to do so implies irresponsible adults, yet they must still remain responsible for their decision. Thus, the removal of abortion as an institution in this country denies, in cases of consented sex, the ability to get a quick fix to a problem that should have been considered first.

Oh, if a woman did not CHOOSE to participate, the sexual activity transforms into RAPE, and that is a criminal offense.

Another point to consider of Mr. Godwin’s:

“Life does NOT begin at conception. Life has been continuous since humanity began. All sperm and eggs are alive and contain genetic codes unique to mankind. Conception is simply a mechanical combing of these.”

Life DOES begin at conception. To deny that the union of an egg and sperm does not generate life is a foolish man’s claim.

To illustrate, I challenge Mr. Godwin to place a male and female rock together. I am willing to bet that since the rocks are not alive, no baby rock will result. Human cells are alive, and there are over 5 billion examples out there for analysis if anyone doubts the existence of lifegiving human cells.

Even Mr. Godwin cannot deny that when the egg and sperm meet, the cells divide, starting a magical process of life. How can you not deny this?

True, it may not survive the external environment at 2 hours old, but the tiny glob of life is quite happy and alive down there in it’s natural habitat.

Mr. Godwin, the real issue here rests with the couple having sex. Are they ready to assume the responsibility of potential children? In our use-and-throw-away society, our culture has turned down responsibility in favor of quick fixes. Abortion, under these circumstances, is a quick fix.

Now, understand that I do feel abortion may be allowed in certain cases, specifically when: 1) the health of the mother is in question, 2) the health of the baby is in question, 3) and rape. These are real life circumstances that cannot be planned or usually avoided.

One final thought, Mr. Godwin. Notice that I have used plural pronouns in my discussion. It takes two to make a baby. It takes two, in my opinion, to properly raise and care for the child.

Looking at most mammals (warm-blooded creatures like humans, such as whales and monkeys), the union of parents seems logical and hints of a natural stability.

Christian Reynolds

Alumnus 1997

Ames, Iowa