Des Moines’ Delstars dodge surf rock stereotypes

Steve Juon

The next generation of surf rock has arrived after a 20-year hiatus, and one of the leaders of the pack is Iowa’s own The Delstars, whose drummer Tom Halverson offered some unique insight into the way this fun-loving band rocks and rolls.

“We wouldn’t call ourselves a surf rock band per se,” Halverson said. “We’re like a rock reverb band that’s really loud.”

Halverson wants people to know they are in for a good time when they come to a Delstars show.

“A lot of these whining alternative rock bands today are no fun,” he said. “We’re just here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.”

While Halverson provides a solid rhythm, Lonnie Urich writes and sings with occasional help from Matt Wellendorf and Timmy Anderson.

The key to the band’s success, Halverson said, is to get loose enough before a show (courtesy of a few beers) to play relaxed without getting sloppy.

But what kind of beer do The Delstars drink?

“Some of the band members like Milwaukee’s Best, but we’ll mostly drink anything,” Halverson said.

“We actually like being the first band on, because then we can kick back, hang out with the audience, have something to drink and enjoy the rest of the show,” Halverson said.

Halverson indicated that although The Delstars tour mostly in the Midwest, the band has gotten some international recognition.

“The farthest away we ever got a response was from Germany,” he said. “Our label, Swizzle Records, put response cards in our CD singles and we were surprised by the wide variety of responses.”

With the growing popularity of surf rock, the only real problem The Delstars seem to face at this point is the band’s volume.

“We like to turn it up loud, but sometimes, even before we go on, the soundcheck guy will ask us to turn it down,” Halverson said.

But high volume is not the only thing The Delstars are known for around Iowa.

“Our most well-known gimmick is the flaming van,” Halverson said. “We also like to dress up the same way, like the bowling shirts on the cover of our new album.”

The Delstars will playing tunes from the band’s new record, “The Sound of Power,” Friday at 9 p.m. at The M-Shop. The Dick Prall Band will be opening.

“Someone bring a camera; we need some good photos of the van,” Halverson added.