McGraw perfects success formula

Daily Staff Writer


Tim McGraw

Tim McGraw is not known for his great acting abilities when performing. Usually his face is hidden by the trademark black cowboy hat.

He doesn’t dance around the stage or change outfits a dozen times. Instead, the emotion in his voice woos fans (especially female) and conveys all the meaning the song needs.

All 11 songs on his latest release share his unique ability to connect with his listeners. “Everywhere” is a great mix of songs that never drags or bores. The songs flow together and lead easily from one to another.

Love songs are classic Tim McGraw hitmakers. The first three releases from “Everywhere” are versions on what it means to love someone. “It’s Your Love,” a duet with his wife Faith Hill, “Everywhere” and “Just to See You Smile” are chart toppers which have helped the CD become a hit.

The other songs on the CD are a great mix of country-rock. “Where the Green Grass Grows” is a great song that will get fans tapping their feet as he sings about living life to the fullest.

“Hard on the Ticker” is an absurd song that fans will be laughing over every time. “I Do But I Don’t” would not be as great of a song if not for McGraw’s ability to make the most unusual lyrics make sense. (Fans will remember the most unlikely hit “Refried Dreams.”)

Fans will get exactly what they expect from the formula for success McGraw has perfected.

4 1/2 stars out of 5.

— Amanda Knief