Gumby’s pizza

M. Dale Streigle

It is 12:30 a.m., Dec. 7. I just got off the phone with Gumby’s Pizza after choosing to not place an order with them. Why? After all this time, they STILL choose not to include the name of Iowa State University as one of the universities they serve by putting our name on their box. They proudly proclaim their support of the University of Iowa on the front of the box, but do not mention ISU.

I ordered a pizza from them early this semester when they first opened. This pizza is passable and certainly inexpensive. But … I noticed all these other colleges on the box and no ISU. So, I called and asked what gives? I got an answer that they needed to use up the boxes they had first.

I suggested simply getting an ink stamp with Iowa State University on it and stamping each pizza as it was placed in the box. The person with whom I spoke replied that it was a good idea. A week later, I ordered another pizza and still found no support for ISU on their box. At that point, I decided not to bother with a company so clearly out of touch with the community they serve.

Early this a.m., I decided to give them another chance. When Gumby’s picked up and asked if they could help me, I replied, “That depends. Is Iowa State University listed on your box yet?” The response I got was, “Oh, you’re the one! No, it’s not on the box.” I said I had called earlier this semester about my concerns and had not ordered a pizza since that second one because of this issue.

The response I got was that Gumby’s would have to hire someone to stamp all the boxes, and that they were unwilling to do that. I reiterated that all they would have to do is have the person who puts the pizza in the box stamp it at that time, but that since they were unwilling to advertise Iowa State University even though they advertise the University of Iowa, I was unwilling to do business with them.

I would ask the ISU/Ames community to boycott Gumby’s Pizza. If they are so out of touch with the people they serve and unwilling to support us, why should we support them?

M. Dale Streigle

Graduate student

Curriculum and instruction