Cargill Inc. offers free airfare for students interested in China

Jeri Derrig

Iowa State students now have the opportunity to experience Chinese culture first-hand.

ISU has teamed up with Cargill, Inc., a company that produces and sells agricultural products internationally, to offer students a study abroad program in China.

David Acker, director of international agricultural programs, said Cargill, Inc. is providing free airfare for 20 students who qualify for the program.

The study abroad program will send students to Beijing from May 12 to June 30.

Through the program, students can earn nine transferable credits for participating in three classes.

Acker said the classes focus on Chinese cultural issues such as economy, history and agriculture. All classes will be conducted in English.

Acker said although the program’s theme is geared primarily toward agriculture students, all majors are encouraged to apply.

“We want [the program] to have mixed disciplines and majors and our top students. It’s a very prestigious institution in China,” he said.

Acker said it is unusual for a large corporation to fund university programs such as study abroad. He said because Cargill, Inc. hires many ISU students, the company wanted to get more involved with the university.

He said ISU President Martin Jischke visited China in June to help organize the tour.

Jischke was accompanied by a four-member delegation to negotiate and finalize an agreement with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, he said.

Acker said China was chosen for the program because more than 100 science research institutions have been built there. He added that surveys performed at ISU showed Iowa businesses had a significant interest in China.

The program will cost eligible students $1,900 and includes all meals, lodging, classes, course materials, health and accident insurance and field trips.

Applications for the China study abroad program are available in Room 18 in Curtiss Hall. The application deadline is Friday.

For more information, contact Eduarda Becerra at 294-3972.