Flute professor to be featured in Sunday chamber concert

Robyn Gran

It is rare when someone’s passion is his or her job.

However, one Iowa State assistant professor has found a way to combine her two loves — music and teaching.

“There is a lot of struggle in this field for availability of jobs,” Elizabeth Sadilek, assistant professor of flute, said. “I feel very lucky here.”

After receiving her music and education degrees at the University of Iowa, Sadilek joined the ranks of the ISU music department and has been teaching ear-training classes and a flute studio for four years. She also trains music majors who are pursuing education degrees how to play the flute.

“I love the variety of teaching one on one and classroom teaching,” Sadilek said.

Unlike many students, Sadilek seemed to always know what she wanted to do.

Growing up in Cedar Rapids, Sadilek was constantly surrounded by music.

“Both of my parents are teachers and all of my family is in the arts,” Sadilek said. “My dad was a band director. He would bring over his ensembles, and one day a flute trio was playing music from the ‘Nutcracker’ and I was sold. It was inevitable.”

Sadilek has now been playing the flute for 23 years.

When not giving lessons and advice to students, Sadilek is a member of the Cedar Rapids Symphony, an organization of about 75 music majors and graduates.

“Music takes a lot of dedication,” she commented.

Sadilek will be performing a Chamber Music concert this Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Music Hall Recital Hall.

ISU music faculty members William David, Barry Larkin, Kevin Schilling, George Work, Lynn Ziegler and guest artist Gretchen Johnson will also perform.

“The concert itself will have a lot of variety, so I think the people will enjoy it,” Sadilek said.

Admission to the concert is free and all are invited to attend.