No apology necessary

Curt Lund

I really enjoyed the comparison between homosexuality and cannibalism. I’ve often wondered why the Daily doesn’t have a comics section, but that more than made up for it.

And now Tim Borseth’s remarks. Finally, a comparison that makes sense: homosexuality and born-again Christianity. We’re both minorities, and I’m sure we both face some forms of persecution. Eggs, posters, shaving cream, phone calls and the U.S. Postal Service. Sounds pretty bad. But how about this?

When two “born-again” Christians walk down the street hand in hand, are they spat at or pelted with rocks? I’d much rather have eggs thrown at my door by an immature college student than my skull crushed by a brick thrown by an overzealous bigot.

Can you be fired from your job if your boss finds out about your religious beliefs?

Can you be refused for a loan?

How about adopting children? Would you be stopped from doing that because people are afraid you would raise them to be just like you?

Do politicians constantly introduce bills denying your basic human rights because you are who you are?

Is every appearance of born-again Christians in the mass media meant to portray you as sick, twisted monsters?

Are born-again Christian role models so rare that young children, first realizing they might be Christian, have nowhere to turn?

Would any sane person in the world refuse to let you marry the person you love?

Would parents refuse to let you teach their children, claiming you would “poison” their minds with your “lifestyle?”

Would a public-school teacher be able to tell his students, “I think our government should dig a big trench, line up all the born-again Christians in this country and machine-gun them down,” and get away with it?

Of course not.

Maybe the comparison isn’t so great after all.

So, were we too loud? Were we a little too angry? Is an apology needed?

We are quite willing to apologize for our actions as soon as the queer community gets an apology from the rest of the campus community for all the bigoted, heterosexist, homophobic remarks we hear everyday.

Oh, and how about an apology from the German government for exterminating millions of homosexuals during and prior to World War II?

The second apology is about as likely as the first.

Curt Lund


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