“White” Tuesday

Eric Evans

For centuries, black people have been the victim of American society’s treacherous conspiracy to enslave or control them. I am personally appalled by the immature tendencies of any person who is too blind to see beyond another person’s color, and I am ashamed of all racist people that I have befriended.

Unfortunately, I am unable to correct and make amends for the tyranny that black people have encountered since their arrival in America. I have discovered, however, that one person can open people’s minds, as Godfrey Yeboah did with “Black Tuesday.”

Change can and will occur, and I feel that anyone who is short-sighted, narrow-minded and insensitive enough to associate any bad term with “black” should be executed without delay.

Key terms in many token phrases are demeaning toward not only blacks, but all minorities. All derogatory terms should be eliminated. I instead propose that the disparaging “Black Tuesday” be replaced by “White Tuesday.” In fact replace it with “White, Red-Headed, scrawny, impoverished Tuesday.” That would easily resolve the matter since I am not so self-conscious and weak that I allow something so remedial as English slang to offend me.

Until everybody accepts my suggestion, the Iowa State campus will be a dreary place to learn. Many people will suffer. In fact, it is only as a superhero, namely Robin, or Master Dick as my friends call me, that I am immune to harmless words, words, words …

Eric Evans


Civil engineering