Just wait

Matt Wiggins

In response to what Mr. Vardaman wrote in the Daily on Dec. 12, I can only say “Just wait!” Yeah, we have a young team now — they’ve played a total of what, six games now? Wasn’t this their first road game? Give me a break, give Floyd a break, give the players a break.

This team is going to be a good one; give them time to gel. From what I’ve watched on TV, Matt Knoll is a good player. Yes, we may be a little hurt in the point guard’s spot, but I think it’s just a matter of time before someone steps up and fills the role.

My advice, Mr. Vardaman, is to just sit back and relax, take the losses with the wins, wait until next year, the year after and the year after.

I know that I’ll be getting season tickets for the next few years; it’s going to be an interesting future for our team!

Tim Floyd knows what he is doing — you don’t!

Good luck to our team for the 1997-98 season!

Matt Wiggins
