Hidden facts

Gary Sudborough

Lost in the recent round of saber-rattling between the United States and Iraq is the fact that over 500,000 Iraqi children have died of starvation and disease because of the embargo against Iraq.

This has been reported by reputable human rights organizations, as well as by independent observers like Ramsey Clark. However, it has largely been ignored by the U.S. media. More people have died in Iraq because of the sanctions than were killed in the Persian Gulf War due to the allied bombing raids. In a sense, the war against Iraq is continued.

There is incessant talk in the U.S. media about punishing Saddam Hussein for his actions. How would Americans feel if our country was bombed for something President Clinton did or didn’t do? I’m sure many Iraqis don’t approve of President Clinton’s actions. Why should innocent people die as a result?

U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is the same as the old imperialist policy followed by the British and the French, that is, to help all the Arab states in a weakened condition so the large oil companies can better exploit the oil reserves of the region.

That is why weapons and aid went to both sides during the Iran-Iraq war and why the CIA has aided the Kurds at various times and then withdrawn aid when it appeared the Kurds might be successful in their quest for a homeland. Keep everyone fighting and weak!

This policy may benefit a tiny clique of oil executives and rich investors, but it benefits neither the common people of the Arab countries nor the average American citizen. That is to say nothing of the abominable immorality of starving innocent Iraqi children for the sake of the profits of the oil companies!

Gary Sudborough

Bellflower, Calif.