Playhouse presents a not-so-typical Christmas pageant

Angie Brehm

When most people think of Christmas pageants, they think of singing children, festive music and proud parents.

Surprisingly, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” isn’t a typical Christmas pageant.

The play, presented at the Des Moines Playhouse, proves that not even Sunday mornings are safe from the Herdman children, who lie, steal, smoke cigars (even the Herdman girls), talk dirty and swear at their teachers.

The last place anyone expects to see these wild kids is in church, so no one is prepared when the Herdmans storm Sunday School and take over the annual Christmas pageant.

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” takes a whimsical look at some of the Herdman children’s antics, including plotting revenge on King Herod, frightening the angels, burping baby Jesus and turning a series of disasters into what everyone in town agrees is the best Christmas pageant ever.

The play is based on the book by Barbara Robinson and has been a Des Moines Playhouse tradition for 10 years.

Community involvement is also a large part of the play, and this year it features 70 local adults and children who volunteer their time.

Also, as part of community involvement, the Des Moines Playhouse will be a collection site for the U.S. Marines’ Toys for Tots program.

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” will be performed at the Des Moines Playhouse until December 14. Performances are Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.

Tickets range from $6 to $9 and may be purchased at the Des Moines Playhouse box office, 277-6261.