And the Cyclones score two!

Editorial Board

You’re standing in the back row of Hilton Coliseum.

The basketball game is intense — it’s down to the last seconds of a real nail-biter. Students throughout Hilton are screaming at some great play.

Unfortunately, since you can’t see a thing from your vantage point five miles away from the action, you’re left asking everyone around you if they saw what just happened.

Oh, what you would give for a replay screen!

Well, never fear, Cyclone fans.

This scenario won’t happen again because — drum roll, please — now we have a real, honest-to-goodness video board!

OK, maybe it’s not that big of a deal, but having a huge screen for replays and highlights is pretty cool. How many times after say, a Stevie Johnson dunk, have you stood cheering, wishing you could see that move again?

And how many times have you wondered why the only thing the current video screen can display is a dancing nacho?

The new screen will let us get more involved in the games, especially if we’re not lucky enough to have arena seats, and it’ll keep us even more pumped up after an awesome play.

Hilton magic at its finest.

Yeah, the video board does lend itself to even more commercialization, and we all know ISU is commercial enough, but the positive aspects of the board far outweigh the corporate sponsorship.

And the board will probably bring in more money for the athletic programs through advertisements.

Hey, we can always use more money in our programs.

One of the coolest aspects of the video board is that ISU is one of the first schools in the country to use a high-resolution video screen.

This is just one more example of how our basketball program is a step ahead of the nation. Hey, we may have a young team, but now their faces will be prominently displayed for all to see, so they’ll step up their performance in every game.

It’s all part of the plan to have Cyclone basketball take over the collegiate world.

That’s right, Iowa. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.