A burning policy

Michael Steding

You’re gonna ban WHAT????

O.K., so the halogen lamp has its problems, much like every other invention in the world. But just because of one problem, the whole student body has to suffer? I understand that the banning of the lamps is to make the residence halls safer, and I agree with that 100 percent. However, there is a thing involved called responsibility.

Let’s look at another situation. Smoking in the dorms presents a potential fire hazard, yet it is still allowed in certain areas. We are expecting that a smoker isn’t leaving a burning cigarette lying on the ground. So, why can’t we “expect” the halogen lamp owners to shut off their lamps when they are out of the room and/or make sure they are clear from bedding when they are turned on.

There is a safety device out for these lamps now, I’m sure that we are all aware of that. So why not just say the lamp must have this on it to be in the residence halls? The lamp is an excellent source of light in a “candle lit” dorm room. Why take this away from all of us? Personally, I am rather “burnt” by this new policy.

Michael Steding

