Unequal coverage

Dom Caristi

How can the Daily get scooped by both the Des Moines Register and the Ames Tribune on Iowa State athletics?

Our women’s basketball team won the Rainbow Classic over the Thanksgiving weekend — a tremendous accomplishment. Both the Register and the Tribune had the story in their Monday editions. The Daily didn’t have the story until Tuesday. Granted, the Tribune is an afternoon publication, but the Register isn’t. Why did they have the story and the Daily didn’t?

Before break I wrote a letter to the editor to complain that men’s and women’s athletics have different deadlines, because a home men’s exhibition game could make it in the next day’s edition, but a women’s season opener took two days to make the paper. It seems you guys don’t put forth a whole lot of effort in covering women’s basketball.

I sure hope that you guys start covering the team a little better by the time the women make the Final Four.

Dom Caristi

Assistant professor

Journalism and mass communication