More than tickets

Elizabeth Brumm

Until a few days ago, I thought the Department of Public Safety had been doing its job. Some tickets that they give out may be unfair, or in my case, probably well-deserved.

But when I came back on Sunday with my boyfriend, he was surprised to find that during the break someone had smashed in his window of his car. It wasn’t just him that this happened to either.

Now, I know that the university is not supposed to be responsible for what you may leave behind during breaks, but if had already been reported to the DPS earlier, I feel they should have called, written or just informed people of the damage done to their cars.

People have the right to know when their property was damaged and if it had been reported. What if something had been stolen from the vehicles between the time it was broken into and the time they got back from break? Come on DPS, you can do better than just write tickets.

Elizabeth Brumm

