Safe Zone success
December 3, 1997
The staff of LGBTSS (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services) in the Dean of Students Office is thrilled with the positive response we have received to our new Safe Zone sticker project.
We sent cards promoting the Safe Zone sticker to all on-campus faculty and staff last week and have been overwhelmed with the hundreds and hundreds of requests (over 550 as of [Tuesday]) for stickers that have been pouring in by phone and e-mail — in just the first few days!
We think that the Safe Zone stickers will make a real difference in both recruitment and retention of LGBT students at Iowa State, just as is the intent of the P&S Grant that sponsored this project.
Thank you to all at Iowa State who are responding so positively to our new project!
Sine Anahita
LGBTSS Coordinator
W. Houston Dougharty
Associate Dean of Students