As the stress level rises
November 17, 1997
Teachers are out to get you. If that’s what you think during this hectic week before break, you’re not alone. Many students at Iowa State are swamped right now with tests, papers and long-term assignments.
The week before Thanksgiving break always seems to be a perfect cutoff point for professors. If 40 students hand in their papers on Friday, a prof has an entire week to read and grade each paper.
Unfortunately, for us many professors employ this strategy, which means some students have between two and four major projects to complete this week.
These students with multiple tests/papers/assignments are feeling pressure to get everything done before Friday afternoon. Many, including we here at the Daily, are stressing out about all the work.
So, as a public service message to all, here are the Daily’s stress reduction tips for the week before Thanksgiving.
- Prioritize your projects.
- Don’t take on extra projects you can’t handle.
- Get a lot of sleep.
- Get a lot of exercise.
- Don’t go out drinking when you should be writing a paper.
- Don’t go out drinking right before you start writing a paper.
- Try to avoid all-nighters — they don’t help that much, anyway.
- Eat well.
- Light candles (only if you live off campus).
- Blow bubbles (only if your roommate doesn’t mind).
- Laugh as much as possible.
- Concentrate on one thing at a time — don’t let yourself get overwhelmed.
- And most importantly, keep a positive attitude.
Remember, stressing out about all the stuff you have to do won’t help you get it done any sooner. The more you relax, the better off you’ll be.
So, good luck with all you’re doing!
Hang in there.