For Your Information

Daily Staff Writer

Free Life Skills Workshops

Iowa State Student Counseling Service is offering two free Life Skill Workshops, the first of which will take place tonight.

A Nov. 12 workshop, “Our Moods: Dealing with Depression & Anxiety,” will be held from 4:30 – 6 p.m. in Room 385 of the Student Services Building.

“Conquering Test Anxiety & Fear of Grades” will be the subject of the second workshop, to be held Dec. 3.

The one-session workshops are meant to enlighten and encourage students in order to function more confidently and completely in school, relationships and life.

Those who wish to participate in either or both of the workshops can sign up at the Student counseling Service, 3rd floor of the Student Services Building, or call Marty at 294-5056.

Star Viewing

The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers will have a guest speaker and possible viewing session at their club meeting Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m.

Lee Ann Willson, ISU professor of Astronomy, will answer questions based on her research concerning the ultimate fate of our sun and what people might do to survive in the final stages of the Sun’s evolution.

Weather permitting, the club will host a viewing session for the public at McFarland Park with club members’ telescopes.

The meeting will be held in the Story County Conservation Center at McFarland Park, located northeast of Ames.

For more information, call 232-2528.