What’s the truth?

Andy Hauck

Will we be able to handle the truth? What is the truth behind the C.J. Bruton story? Did he get a fair shake or did the systems fail? Who is responsible for his name being withheld from the roster and the academic records?

Surely, he is not. He wanted to become a Cyclone, a member of the team, a member of the community and a member of the student population. He tried and tried as he has all his life. If you do not believe me, check out last Sunday’s Des Moines Register.

Marc Hanson did a story on the life of C.J. Bruton, a young Australian man who wanted a chance at becoming part of the American collegiate scene, but instead was tossed aside because of a technicality. This technicality is he had taken a handful of cash a few years ago to play for a team in his homeland. A handful, no million-dollar contract, no Nike shoe deal —ÿnope, just a few dollars. Because of this, his path in life has been altered forever.

Why do we stress kids stay in school, then go and close the gates in this young man’s face? I do not blame C.J. for his actions. I blame the NCAA for not following through on America’s pledge to educate our kids. Why do I say this? Because not only was C.J. a basketball player, he also wanted to further his career as a student.

He had already graduated with an associate degree from Indian Hills Community College. College, signifying his intentions on being a student and an athlete.

I want you, the reader, to remember back to last year. Who did the university support despite a number of criminal charges? Who did they reinstate after Tim Floyd suspended him? Why did they reinstate him? He had obviously been in violation of some NCAA rule. Why? In my opinion, they wanted to WIN. They wanted to take this team to the big dance, the big payoff — as did we all, even if we had to bend a few rules along the way.

I blame Iowa State for not fighting hard enough for this man’s future, not only as a basketball player but as a student. Why should the university fight so hard for this young individual? Fight for him because he can make you truckloads of cash while sporting your precious logo. Fight for him because he is still young. He has his whole future ahead of him. Do not stand idlely by and allow his dreams to be crushed due to this minor infraction.

ISU should have fought the hell out of this one. They screwed up. They know it. And sadly, C.J. knows this also. C.J. will move on. Our team will move on. We all will move on. And ISU will move on with another black eye to its name.

Andy Hauck


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