The dividing line

Heath Stewart

Chad Calek, in a state-on-state game of Nebraska versus Iowa, who would win? Not only are your preconceived, ignorant remarks about the Nebraska Huskers false, but your idiotic mentality shows through in your culturally biased opinion.

Nebraska and Missouri both played a hell of a game last weekend and Nebraska came out the victor. I don’t know what game you were watching, but what I and a handful of other people with me saw was our Nebraska quarterback pat Missouri’s quarterback on the back in a job well done.

That is the dividing line between the Huskers and many other teams such as Iowa. We don’t tear down goal posts when we win a single game this year!

Coach Osborne, Ph.D., is a man who demands respect, and he receives that from all coaches, players and fans. Never would you see Husker fans running out onto the field to tear down a goal post or deface public property on their way to pollute a lake. Even when we won our back-to-back national titles, our fans cheered and a sea of red (Husker-red shirts, that is) waved as the crowd went wild. Unlike Cyclone fans, we walk away peacefully.

In other, vicious, ignorant statements, you call Coach Osborne the anti-Christ, derive “bra” from Nebraska, and make derogatory statements towards other cultures. Working for the Daily, you surprise me!

Coach Osborne is a well-respected man who will not let his team trample an opponent or let his players deface another’s pride or property. A compassionate man and a Christian church-goer. How do you get off calling him the anti-Christ? Your ill-conceived expression shows your lack of knowledge and faith.

If the work “bra” is, as you say, derived from Nebraska, how is it that our state’s name came from a Native American word meaning “flat water.” Clearly, your distaste of women’s apparel and their ties to gays and lesbians is sexist and culturally biased. Do you put any thought into what you say or is it just blasphemy and derogatory comments spewing from your lips?

Sure, Nebraska is not No. 1 anymore. Every Husker fan I have talked to agrees Missouri played a great game. We applaud them. We Huskers know when we have faced a good opponent and are loyal.

We actually have something to which we are loyal, unlike your notion that the Cyclones are a great team who are just misunderstood. Watch a football game this weekend, any football game. Then watch a Husker game. No where else will you see such a grandiose display of team colors, at home or away.

Next time you, Chad, or any one else wants to deface another culture, an entire state or another sex, don’t. Not only are your comments delusional and thoughtless, but they are also unnecessarily biased.

On one final note to Husker fans out there, don’t lose faith. We still have a shot at the polls and the national title. Go Huskers!

Heath Stewart


Computer science