No understanding leads to homosexual suicide

Tony Sipma

I’m not usually one to start a huge conflict, but I feel compelled to respond to the letter by Ev Cherrington in the Nov. 12 edition of the Daily. It disgusts and disappoints me that people will make such blinded and uninformed statements about other people or groups.

Cherrington’s basing that there is something wrong with homosexuality just because they have a higher suicide rate is unreal.

If Cherrington had attended the Alliance meeting or even really knew a gay person, she would know that the reason so many homosexuals turn to suicide is because of the harassment and isolation by people who fear them just because they are different.

Many of those who kill themselves do so because they have no one to turn to for support.

They feel as if the whole world is against them, which, according to society, is very true.

So many people are uninformed as to what homosexuality is. Now some may be saying that it’s plainly obvious what the difference is, and they’re right.

We are attracted to the same gender and want same-sex relationships. But frankly that’s it.

Ta da! Everything we do is the same as it is for heterosexuals.

We go out and have dinner with friends. We worry about money and what tomorrow will bring.

Besides, what business is it of anyone else what I do in my bedroom and who I do it with? People need to stop condemning and harassing homosexuals by saying they are wrong and evil and need to start asking questions and learning the truth.

I may have gotten off the subject of suicide, but I want to help inform people and get them to take a second look. Then I’ve helped our world take a step forward to a wiser and better world for everyone.

Finally, I would like to invite those who would like to understand better about homosexuality to come to the Alliance meetings, where we encourage visitors who are willing to look and listen with out pointing fingers and calling names.

If you are willing to do just that, then come to an Alliance meeting.

They are held every Wednesday at seven in the Cardinal Room of Memorial Union.

Tony Sipma


Pre-electrical engineering