Where’s the review?

Kevin L Hosbond

I was disappointed to see that one the greatest shows to come through Central Iowa this year wasn’t even reviewed. The great show I am referring to was the Veruca Salt/Days of the New concert (with special guest Figdish).

I read your pre-concert review, which was average in itself, but what about giving those artists some support and following up with a story on their concert? I can honestly say it was one of the best concerts I’ve been to, and you hardly touched it!

Are there some staffing problems there at the Daily? Maybe none of your writers could make it to such an awesome event because they were too busy covering the latest form of plant life growing on someone’s lawn or maybe it was the breaking news of the horrific goal post scandal.

Anyway, next time you choose to forget some great bands in their prime give me a call. I’ll go take some pictures and write a review for you.

Kevin L Hosbond


English and speech education