Not the Big 8 nets

Cynthia Feller

This is in response to the recent goal-post downing, in general, and to letters from Kevin Maak and Troy Lenz (both Nov. 3) in particular.

I’m as thrilled as the next loyal ISU fan that we finally won a football game. I wish I could have been there.

But come on, Mr. Lenz, to compare taking down the goal post after defeating Baylor to the cutting of the net at the last Big Eight Tournament is a stretch. Neither the cost nor the principle are the same.

The goal post was rushed by some overzealous “fans.” The net was cut by Coach Floyd and the team. (And don’t think the law-enforcement personnel weren’t concerned about that situation, too).

I hardly think Coach Floyd or an innocent bystander had a chance of being seriously injured by a falling net.

Also, if people really considered the goal post a trophy, then why display it in Lake LaVerne? School spirit? I disagree.

I would rather have ISU fans show their school spirit by record attendance or outstanding sportsmanship.

In a separate letter, Mr. Maak stated that goal posts are for tearing down.

Wrong. Field goals are to be kicked through them — period. And whether they should, goal posts do cost several thousand dollars.

Check with any Big 12 athletic or purchasing department. Not just anything will work. Equipment must meet NCAA guidelines.

I was disappointed that only days after announcing the continuance of Veishea ISU was back in the news for something negative.

Media coverage for a well-deserved victory would have been enough.

Cynthia Feller

ISU alumnae and staff member