A little privacy

Editorial Board

Let’s hear it for standing up for what you believe in, even if you plan to sit down while you do it.

Recently, a high school freshman in Dubuque presented a petition to the school board requesting that doors be placed on the stalls in all the male restrooms in the schools.

He claimed the lack of doors presented a lack of privacy, and the fact that there were doors in the women’s restrooms and not the men’s shows discrimination.

Guess what — the school board agreed with him and has started placing doors on all the stalls. Now all the boys and girls can … well, relieve themselves, peacefully and privately.

Now usually, freshmen in high school are usually too worried about zits, puberty and if they will ever learn to shave to stand up (or sit down as the case may be) for anything worthwhile.

So this is a landmark moment in the annals of high-school history. But it still doesn’t answer one question. Why weren’t there any doors on the stalls in the first place?

Bet there were doors on the stalls in the teachers’ restrooms. Has the school board been under the impression for decades that high schoolers lack large intestines?

Maybe the adults never considered, or even fathomed, the thought of having to walk in on someone taking a dump. Or what about being the dumper when someone walks into the restroom at the moment of that all-too-embarrassing splash?

Sometimes a little privacy can go a long way.