Iowa House plans recreation summit

Karen Dai

The leadership of the Iowa House of Representatives will host the first Recreation Summit in the house chamber of the capitol building Tuesday in Des Moines.

House Speaker Ron J. Corbett and Majority Leader Brent Siegrist will be joined by a 10-member steering committee in hearing testimony from recreation pioneers, enthusiasts and the general public.

“We are viewing this as the first step in an effort to map out our recreation plan in the next five years,” Corbett said.

“By improving our recreation opportunities, we improve the quality of life in Iowa. That, in turn, makes our state a more attractive place to live, raise a family and run a business,” he said.

The Summit will cover topics including state parks, trails, lake improvements, community and urban recreation, hunting and fishing.

“We’ve developed a focus for this Summit so as to be able to develop specific goals and recommendations for the 1998 General Assembly,” Siegrist said.

Dan Fogleman, administrative assistant of the Communication Committee of the Speaker of the House, said the General Assembly will be held from January until April 1998.

“The Summit will provide input for the assembly about the places in Iowa where more attention should be given in terms of family health and welfare,” he said. “Family is the core of the society which we really want to put more effort on.”

Fogleman said the steering committee, which consists of members from tourist associations, historical organizations and the Iowa House, will help lawmakers to shape the objectives and initiations of the General Assembly.

Scheduled speakers will be allotted 15 minutes. The general public is asked to comply with a 2-minute time limit or provide more lengthy commentary in writing. The Summit begins at 9 a.m., with public comment beginning at 2 p.m. and lasting until 4:30 p.m.

Corbett and Siegrist will answer questions from the media outside the house chamber, which will last approximately 15 minutes.