Helpful ISU students
November 17, 1997
At a time when items in the press have not always shined positively on student life at Iowa State, a group of those students, 800 in all, helped Story County Habitat for Humanity move significantly closer to completing our house in Kelley.
The ISU Homecoming Central Committee organized this group in an attempt to provide more service to the community.
I want to bring this activity to the attention of all those inclined to judge the entire student body because of the actions of a few. Watching and often working with these young people made me extremely proud of our college youth.
As I have observed also with the student Habitat chapter, they were there every weekend working, with no expected payoff other than the knowledge they were helping out in a worthwhile project.
As a member of both Story County Habitat and the ISU faculty, I warmly thank each and every one of those students for such an unselfish act of kindness to others.
Roger Stover