Meeting of undefeateds leaves both teams defeated

Amanda Fier

The perfect records that once belonged to the Iowa State Cyclones and the Eastern Michigan Eagles are no more.

The two teams split over the weekend leaving both undefeated squads defeated.

Last week, Coach Al Murdoch predicted the match would be a “titanic meeting” of the two undefeated teams. His words became truth as Eastern and ISU’s perfect records sank. He still described the two games as a “great series.”

The Cyclones beat the Eagles, 4-3, Friday and swallowed their first loss, 2-1, on Saturday.

Although it’s sad to say “so long” to their winning streak, Murdoch and the Cyclones looked at the game in a positive light.

“That game will probably help us more than it will hurt us,” Murdoch said.

He said the weekend series gave the crowds a chance to see some “quality hockey.”

Defensive man Pat Feezor said he believed the series was successful for the team.

“Nobody likes to lose. I think these were the best two games, at least competitive-wise, of the season,” Feezor said. “I’d rather play a team like this and split than win by twelve. This does more for us.”

The Friday match started off on the right foot for the Cyclones.

In the first period, Jason Vega scored a goal in the first minute of play. Cyclones Nick Krueger, Tom Grimwood and Darren Anderson also picked up goals in the victory. The Eagles totaled three goals but it was not enough, as the game ended favorably for the Cyclones.

But Saturday’s game didn’t turn out as sweetly for ISU.

The two teams returned to the rink ready to roll, wanting the win. The light of the red siren went unseen throughout the first period and well into the second.

The siren first sounded at 5:14 of the second period when ISU netted the first point of the evening.

Terry Conlin pushed in what turned out to be the Cyclones’ lone goal off an assist from Russ Crawford and Brian Wierson.

ISU’s celebratory feeling from the first goal didn’t last long. Only 51 seconds later the Eagles celebrated their first point after slipping the puck past Cyclone goalie Rob Howitt to tie the score.

The rest of the game was a defensive battle that the Eagle offense finished at the one-minute mark.

What Murdoch described as a “fluky rolling puck” tumbled past Howitt leaving the Eagles in good position and the Cyclones with little time for rebuttal.

Although ISU tried to put one in the net, the Eagles wouldn’t let it happen and Eastern won 2-1.

Murdoch said the defeat was a lesson, but it will be a “pleasure to beat them in our league tournament and in the national championships.”

He said ISU has more depth overall. The team learned a good lesson about how it is important to be able to outsmart a good goaltender, something the Cyclones struggled with.

“I think our guys are still learning,” Murdoch said.

Cyclone defenseman Crawford said every weekend is an improvement for the squad. He said in close games, the players must combine their efforts.

He said ISU was able to play that way this weekend, which is a good sign.

“It’s all positives. I like seeing our team play like a team,” Crawford said.

Vega summed up the weekend matches by saying, “It was a building experience.”