College choices for academics, not sports

Jason N. Wells

Chad Calek, when I started reading your first article I was very mad, but by the end I realized that you were being sarcastic. I would like to disagree with some points of your last article, however.

Your point that Nebraska Cornhusker fans are the worst fans in the world is off-key.

Yes, there are some fans that take things to extreme but what program (high school, college, professional) doesn’t? I would like to pose this question to you.

Have you ever been to a Nebraska home football game? If you had you would not call us the worst fans in the world. Lincoln, Nebr., on home football games becomes one of the best cities to be in.

The general atmosphere is just awesome. Everyone is in a great mood in and out of the stadium. I believe that Ames has the same general atmosphere but in Lincoln it is about 100 times stronger.

I also have to disagree with your comment that Nebraska is a corrupt program. The players that you have mentioned no longer play with Nebraska, and if you look at Lawrence Phillips and Christian Peter, they have both turned their lives around for the better. (I’m not sure about the other two you mentioned).

Also, Nebraska has had three arrests in the past 18 months. Not bad, huh? If I go to Iowa State and “literally bleed Husker red,” why don’t I move back there? There are many answers to that question, but I will give two.

There are Husker fans across the U.S., not just in Nebraska. I came to ISU for the academics.

I am a freshman in chemical engineering and I am a die-hard Husker fan, but I chose ISU because its engineering program is much better than that at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

To all those people that forget, (myself included) college is primarily a place for academics, not athletics. There is nothing wrong with cheering your favorite team, but you don’t have to take it to extremes.

Jason N. Wells


Chemical engineering