Vandals still on loose

Gloria D. Stewart

Six reports of minor vandalism to automobiles that occurred on Saturday, Nov. 8, remain unsolved even though Iowa State Department of Public Safety officers chased a suspect from the area that morning.

Ames Police Chief Dennis Ballantine said Monday there were no leads in the rash of vandalism.

A suspect was described by a witness as a white male wearing a flannel shirt over a black T-shirt.

Ballantine said none of the residents who were questioned could identify the alleged vandal.

Reports say police officers chased the suspect to Lincoln Way and Stanton Avenue, losing him in Campustown.

Ballantine said there have been no other similar incidents recently and it appears the Nov. 8 vandalism was random, possibly the actions of a drunken person.

Damage consisted mostly of wiper blades bent and broken, beer poured on the hood of a car and a side mirror and license plate torn off.

Ballantine asks anyone with information regarding the damage to vehicles in the Campus Avenue, North Hyland, North Sheldon and West Street area during the early morning of Nov. 8 call the Ames Police Department at 239-5133.