Tackling STDs

Rebecca Fritzsche

I am glad Ben Jones tackled the topic of sexually transmitted diseases in his recent column. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and genital warts are all seen and treated at the Iowa State Student Health Center.

It is a mission of the SHC to prevent these diseases at ISU and control the pain and suffering they inflict on our student body on a daily basis.

The SHC provides free gonorrhea and HIV testing; chlamydia testing is at minimal cost. In addition, the SHC provides free and confidential consultations regarding any of these STDs. If you have any concerns about these conditions, call 294-5801 and make an appointment to be screened.

Gonorrhea and chlamydia currently are easily treatable. Herpes, genital warts and HIV are viral illnesses for which we have no cure, only suggestions for avoidance or amelioration.

One in six adult Americans carry genital herpes, many unknowingly. Probably twice as many Americans carry venereal warts (HPV). Some types of venereal warts have the possibility to cause early vulvar, cervical, penile and rectal cancer.

Condoms are not 100 percent effective in preventing transmission of any STD, but they are especially inadequate in protecting someone from warts if the warts are on the scrotum or the area around the rectum.

Abstinence, it must be reminded, is the only sure method of preventing yourself from being “another percentage point in the latest STD statistic.”

Rebecca Fritzsche

Staff physician

Student Health Center