For Your Information

Daily Staff Writer

Horticulture in the Netherlands

There will be an informational meeting on a low-cost travel course to the Netherlands from May 12-21, 1998.

The tour will consist of visits to beautiful gardens, museums and horticultural businesses.

Participants will learn about the Dutch’s culture and remarkable flower industry.

Meetings will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 11, at noon and on Thursday, Nov. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 110 Horticulture.

Interested people only need to attend one meeting to learn more about the trip and scholarship opportunities.

National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and Iowa State’s Student Health Center will be conducting free diabetes screenings weekdays through Nov. 21.

Hours for the screenings are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in room 2015 at the Wellness Center in the new health building.

The screenings are “pen-and-pencil” tests, self-surveys which measure various risk factors for diabetes.

If these preliminary test indicate a level of risk, more tests, which are also free, will be offered to the patient.

All screenings are available only to ISU students.