Learn a little

Becky Kipper

To Ev Cherrington:

I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, whoever taught you “simple logic” should be shot. The issues of suicide and homosexuality are not simple, and your conclusion is not even remotely logical.

Frankly, it disgusts me that you should propose such a narrow-minded, exclusionist, dogmatic view on the situation and have the nerve to call it “simple logic.”

Not only is it insulting to the practice of logic, but it’s a repulsive display of simple-minded bigotry.

It is exactly this kind of prejudice disguised as reason that gives bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, etc. an excuse to keep hating. It’s not logic. It’s plain, simple hatred, and it’s appalling.

Before you open your mouth again, open a book. Learn a little bit about logic. Learn a little bit about suicide and homosexuality. Learn a little bit about the world you live in before you judge it.

Becky Kipper

