Thanks for helping Larch fire victims

The Men Of Wolf House

The men of Wolf House would like to thank everyone who has supported us during the last few days.

As many people know, there was an accidental fire on our floor over the weekend, and all of us were forced to relocate.

These have been difficult days as we adapt to the circumstances and try to continue our classwork and other activities.

With luck, we will able to return to the floor after Thanksgiving break.

We appreciate the assistance everyone has given to us. We would especially like to thank the resident assistants for their hours of supervising and assisting in the moving process.

We also thank the residents of RCA, especially Larch Hall, for their support as well as everyone else who assisted our moving process.

We thank our new interim roommates for receiving us two-thirds of the way into the semester.

We would like to thank the Department of Public Safety and the Ames Fire Department for their quick responses and for giving us support immediately after and in the days following the fire.

Also, we thank the RCA custodial staff for giving up their weekend to begin the cleaning process, the complex office for their administrative work, Steamway Cleaning and Restoration for cleaning the floor and furniture, Mayfair Cleaners for their dry-cleaning services and student security for their hours of watching the floor after the fire.

And finally, we would like to thank all of the local relief agencies who will be working with us in order to replace any damaged property.

Once again, the men of Wolf House would like to express our appreciation to everyone who has and will help us during these difficult weeks.

The Men of Wolf House

Third Floor, Larch Hall