An apology needed?

Tim Borseth

I was prompted by the letter to the Daily entitled “Pay Attention” to share some of my experiences while I was a student at Iowa State.

While living in the Friley residence halls, I endured some of the most extreme persecution of my life. Almost daily (I wish I were exaggerating here), my door would be vandalized with derogatory posters, shaving cream and the like. One night my door was even severely pelted with eggs.

I also regularly received prank phone calls around 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. with the caller being silent, laughing or making rude comments. I received mailings of offensive material that I did not order, and several guys on my floor avoided me like the plague or cursed me under their breath whenever I passed by.

Am I a homosexual? Not at all. I’m a born-again Christian. I feel that the “hate crimes” I received as a student at ISU are at the same level as the verbal abuse that Ev Cherrington received by the letter written by Curt Lund and 34 others.

That letter was extremely judgmental, intentionally accusatory and painfully slanderous. I’ve known Ev for 13 years. In fact, we had supper together last Tuesday to discuss the editorials in the Daily and what the wisest, most loving response would be to them.

You see, Ev’s intent was not to throw stones or hurt anyone with his editorial. Rather, after reading the alarming suicide rate among the homosexual community, Ev wanted to warn people of the dangers he felt that lifestyle contained and to rescue them from potential harm.

I’m convinced that Curt and his friends owe Ev one big apology.

Tim Borseth

ISU alumnus
