For Your Information

Daily Staff Writer

McCormick fund-raiser

Story County supporters of Mark McCormick, Democratic candidate for Iowa’s governorship, will hold two fund-raising events in Ames today.

An “Irish Harvest Potato Party,” a chance for the public to interact with McCormick, will be held at 7 p.m. at Iowa State’s Reiman Gardens. Mary Richards, Story County attorney, will emcee the event, and a freewill donation will be taken.

“A Pretty Good Band” will provide background music for the evening, and salads and beverages will be served along with a make-your-own-potato bar. Admission is free.

At 5:30 p.m., a private reception for sponsors of the potato party will be held at the home of Bob and Ann Campbell, 428 Pearson Ave., Ames. McCormick will also be at this event, and W. Robert Parks, president emeritus of ISU, will be the emcee. ISU chemistry professor Walt Trahanovsky will be featured on jazz piano.

Support group organized

The Secular Organization for Sobriety, a support group for people recovering from alcohol and drug addiction, has formed a chapter in Ames. Meetings are being held Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at 511 Duff, first floor, group room A.

S.O.S., also known as “Save Our Selves,” was founded by Jim Christopher in North Hollywood, Calif., in 1986. It is a friendly alternative to traditional 12-step organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous, which some people feel have a religious or spiritual basis for their recovery programs. S.O.S. takes a strictly secular approach, emphasizing that each individual must draw on his or her own resources to deal with the problems of addiction.

S.O.S. is sponsored and supported by FREE INQUIRY magazine, published in Buffalo, N.Y. Anyone interested is welcome to attend an Ames S.O.S. Group meeting on Thursday evening.

Iowa Democratic Party

Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Mike Peterson named Brian Weeks as the party’s new political director and scott harrington as the new finance director.

“Brian and Scott bring to the IDP a strong background in their respective fields and offer the Iowa Democratic Party a wealth of talent and experience as we gear up for the 1998 elections and beyond,” Peterson said.

Prior to joining the IDP, Weeks served as the Midwest Regional Field Coordinator with the National Association of Letter Carriers. In addition to his political and legislative work with the union, Weeks was assigned to three campaigns during 1996 as part of the AFL-CIO’s Labor ’96 effort.

During the general election, he coordinated labor’s efforts in the successful Illinois Senate race. He also worked on successful special elections in Oregon and Texas.

In addition, Weeks has worked on several campaigns in his home state of Wisconsin.

Harrington spent nearly two years as Field Coordinator for IDP. In that capacity, he oversaw five victorious Iowa House races in the 1996 elections and worked on strengthening the grassroots organization of the party.

Harrington, the National Committeeman for the Iowa Young Democrats, is a native Iowan who has helped lead the fight to elect Democrats across the state.


Around the world, children are at risk for disease, malnutrition, and being exploited and abused in sweatshops. The purchase of UNICEF cards help support UNICEF’s efforts to help people around the world overcome poverty, illiteracy, disease and lack of economic support.

The YWCA of Ames-ISU and Worldly Goods are making UNICEF cards available for purchase. They are available on campus at the YWCA, 15 Alumni Hall Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at Worldly Goods, 223 Main Street, Monday through Saturday.

Cards come in a variety of designs and prices. They can be used as holiday cards or notecards throughout the year.

Prices start at $9 for a set of 10 cards.

Engagement calendars featuring children with animals and pocket diaries are also available.

UNICEF, an organization devoted to helping children and families was formed after World War II. It relies entirely on voluntary donations.