Ames woman and boy gagged and bound by four male robbers Friday

Kate Kompas

An 80-year-old woman and her 2-year-old grandson were bound and gagged with duct tape Friday afternoon while four robbers ransacked her home in Boone County.

The victims, who live in the 1200 block of West Park in West Ames, were the only two persons home at the time of the attack, a Boone County Sheriff’s Office news release said. The woman was babysitting her grandson at the time of the robbery.

The attack occurred around noon, according to the press release.

The names of the victims were not released, but the woman’s daughter-in-law agreed to comment anonymously.

The woman said her mother-in-law said the robbers were in the house for about a half an hour.

She said money, jewelry and a cordless phone were taken.

The woman said her mother-in-law sustained minor injuries but will recover from the attack.

She said her mother-in-law does not live with them, but was visiting their family. She is now recovering in Des Moines.

Although she said her mother-in-law will recover from her injuries, she said, “It will never be okay [for her mother-in-law].”

She said her son also sustained injuries, including bruises from being gagged.

The news release said the four robbers were men of Asian descent.

All four men were carrying guns, according to the grandmother’s account to her daughter-in-law.

The press release said the victims were found by an older grandson when he returned home from school.

Officials said when the boy discovered his grandmother and younger brother bound and gagged, he went to a neighbor’s house to call the police.

The police started their investigation at 4 p.m. Friday. As of Sunday afternoon, the Boone County Sheriff’s Office said the case is still under investigation.

The woman said she did not know if her mother-in-law will be well enough to identify possible suspects if they are apprehended.

The victimized family owns the Bangkok Restaurant in Campustown in Ames.