Corporate welfare

Dick Dearden

The recent taxpayer giveaway to an Italian company for a pasta factory in Ames is another example of corporate welfare at the expense of working Iowans.

In Iowa, the public and private sectors should work together to improve economic opportunities for business and workers. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the recently proposed Barilla pasta plant in Ames.

Despite receiving a lucrative, taxpayer-financed incentive package valued at more than five million dollars, the company is using non-union workers and paying these workers below the average construction wage in Story County. This is wrong.

If my tax dollars are used to help build a private business, then the workers building the plant deserve to get paid a fair wage for their sweat and expertise.

With Iowa unemployment at its lowest level in years, who could argue with requiring companies that receive state incentives to create better paying jobs and to raise the standard of living of more Iowans?

The state should build opportunities for our workers and businesses.

Dick Dearden

State Senator

35th District, Polk County