Student volunteers work with YMCA

Amy Collins

Volunteer efforts from Iowa State students helped make renovations at the Ames-ISU YMCA’s Lynn Fuhrer Lodge a reality.

Members of ISU’s Association of General Contractors (AGC) student chapter provided the labor to pave the entrance of the Lynn Fuhrer Lodge’s access road.

Jennifer Rusk, president of the AGC student chapter and a senior in construction engineering, said the project was a beneficial venture for both AGC volunteers and the Ames-ISU YMCA.

“Part of our mission as a group is to be part of the community, and to make an impact,” Rusk said. “Projects such as this give us a chance to gain practical experience. Also, organizations like the YMCA might not otherwise have been able to do projects like this.”

Cathy Smelser, executive director of Ames-ISU YMCA, agreed that the project benefited both organizations. She said the project provided the YMCA a chance to address much needed work sooner. In addition, she said sharing the project with AGC saved the organization money.

Smelser said she was also impressed with AGC student members’ attention to detail and commitment to the job.

“We at the YMCA look forward to a relationship with these remarkable students of AGC,” she said.

Smelser said the student AGC chapter plans to help with trail renovation at the YMCA’s Outdoor Center next spring.

Mark Stoller, project manager of the YMCA project and AGC member, said more than 30 group members volunteered during the three-day project.

“I was pleased with the turnout and efforts of the participating members,” Stoller said.

To help with construction costs, Stoller said Story Construction and Sauer Sundstrand Company made contributions to the YMCA for the project.

“They were excellent in getting things lined up for us,” he said.

“Story Construction helped provide many of the supplies and equipment that we needed for this project,” said Casey Port, senior representative of AGC.

Smelser said the access road had been in poor condition for some time. and recent renovation projects have improved conditions of the facility tremendously.

Information about Lynn Fuhrer Lodge rental and the Ames-ISU YMCA’s Outdoor Center is available by calling the YMCA’s on-campus office at 294-2263.