A positive event

Rita A. Conner

Something positive happened on campus on Friday, Nov. 14. I wanted to take the opportunity to make the Iowa State community aware of it and to thank the people who worked hard to make the event possible.

An all-ages show was held at State Gym featuring an outstanding Des Moines area band. The crowd was enthusiastic, albeit not as large as anticipated, and really enjoyed the energetic four-hour show.

Although the band hadn’t played in Ames too much before this event, it’s a safe bet that they will be returning to perform again to many newfound but loyal followers. I’d like to thank the McKenzies for keeping the house jumping all night.

This event was co-sponsored by my company, Commitment Sound and Lighting, KCCQ radio and Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Part of the proceeds were donated to the Ames Boys and Girls Club.

I’d like to thank KCCQ for going above and beyond in regard to our advertising. The McKenzies’ CD received a great deal of airplay in the week leading up to the show, the station gave away tickets and mentioned the show with unfailing regularity. KCCQ gave a professional flair to the show and treated the event with as much credibility and respect as anything they might sponsor at Hilton or C.Y. Stephens.

Kappa Sigma fraternity worked incredibly hard for the event, taking part in all phases from flyer-posting to helping set up our sound system. They threw their support behind the event and worked diligently for the show’s success. We realized early on that we had chosen a quality bunch of guys with whom to sponsor an event.

I’d also like to thank Student Activities and Rec Services at State Gym for their help and support — and patience! Domino’s Pizza also deserves our gratitude for squeezing the event into their crowded schedule and sending employees to cover it; the same goes for DPS for providing security. I hope I haven’t left anyone off the list, because this was definitely a group undertaking.

This event took root and came together from the starting point of providing a positive event for ISU students.

Pick up this newspaper any given day, and you will see tales of woe and the lament of students that the campus provides no social activities, people cannot come together if they have dissimilar backgrounds or frames of reference and that nothing can save a campus reputation irretrievably tarnished by the events of recent Veishea celebrations.

Those of us who took part in the planning and presentation of the McKenzies’ show Friday night left behind sitting around and talking about it and actually did it.

It can be done — change begins with one person and grows from there.

Rita A. Conner

Graduate student

Sociology and community regional planning

Co-owner Commitment Sound and Lighting