A crash last spring does not stop solar car team

Vicki Larsen

Following an accident last April, Iowa State’s Team PrISUm has made a comeback and is in the process of planning for its next solar car.

The team has named the next car PrISUm Phoenix. its newsletter stated members decided on this name because the phoenix is a mythical bird, famous from Herodotus, which symbolizes resurrection and immortality. It is like an eagle in shape and possesses red and golden plumage.

The team said the name is fitting not only because of the bird’s colors, but also because the phoenix steps up to life’s challenges immediately after it is born.

The team has many people returning this year, for a total of around 50 to 60 members actively participating in the effort to design and eventually build a new car.

“We are concentrating on research for the next vehicle and also doing some educational outreach events. We are working on more testing of the past vehicle so we know what things we should do different,” said Allen Ihlefeld, project director and junior in industrial engineering.

The team also visits elementary schools and gives demonstrations on solar energy to “excite school-aged children in technology and science and remind them why school is important,” Ihlefeld said.

The team is working on designs and figuring out shape and size for the PrISUm Phoenix. They plan to begin construction sometime next spring.

Michael Petersen, electrical team co-leader and sophomore in electrical engineering, stated in a newsletter, “We have already begun much of the design process and are moving from concept to initial prototype.”

The next solar car race for Team PrISUm, showcasing the new PrISUm Phoenix, is expected to be in the summer of 1999.

Upcoming local events for Team PrISUm include the Institute of Electrical/Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and the American Society of Quality Control (ASQC) shows, held Nov. 13 from 7-8 p.m. in Room 171 of Durham Hall.