So much to lose

Aaron L. Wall

Congratulations to Jamel and Shaka for trying to make the Iowa State football team more like Nebraska.

How can we expect to win if we don’t have low-life scum on our team like Nebraska has? These guys should be given a medal.

Now seriously, I don’t understand what a college athlete would go and do this sort of thing for.

If this was an isolated incident, then I would not be so concerned.

But as we all, know it is not. This is a growing problem in colleges around the country.

Personally, I would give my left testicle to participate in college athletics.

I also know about 10,000 other people that feel the same way. I wouldn’t even think about doing something illegal which would take that away from me.

I would probably just lock myself in my room, only to be let out for classes and practice.

Not only that, but these guys and all other athletes that do these sort of things are taking the risk of going to jail. I personally wouldn’t want to be in the shower with Bubba, the 300-pound gorilla man.

I guess what I am saying is I just don’t understand why people do these things when they have so much to lose.

If someone could explain this to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Aaron L. Wall


Physical education / history