Pay attention

“Simple logic reveals that something must be wrong with the gay lifestyle,” wrote Ev Cherrington in a letter to the editor for the Daily.

Ev, you are right. Something IS drastically wrong with the Ames gay community. We put up with far too much garbage from bigots like you.


What is killing our queer teenagers? You are, Ev Cherrington. You, and everyone like you, and the attitudes you exude. Bigots. Closed-minded, clueless, misinformed, blinded bigots with your blanket bigoted remarks and “simple logic.” Kids realize they may be gay. Then they see you and people like you telling everyone they are terrible.

They are evil. They are “wrong.” Their minds are polluted by the homophobic society in which we live. They can’t find a reason to live. I have been through this, and so have almost all of the gay people I know. Luckily, either we failed at suicide, or we were able to see through the smokescreen of your homophobia to the truth.

I’ll bet you think you don’t know any gays or lesbians. You know what? You work with gay people. You live near gay people. When you go grocery shopping, people in the aisles are gay. When you walk down the street in the afternoon, you walk right past gay people. Members of your family are gay. But you don’t realize it. You know why? Because we are no different than you. This is not a personal attack, this is the truth.

You and your most articulate spokespeople and politicians still claim that homosexuality is “wrong.”

Over the past two months, both sides of this argument have gone back and forth in this newspaper. Where has this got us? Nowhere. You still have your wrong beliefs of homosexuality, which, by the way, is not just a “lifestyle.” God — your God, our God — made us this way, and there’s nothing you can do about it. And we are still meekly trying to defend ourselves, our friends and our families.


Folks, we are at a critical juncture. It is essential that we put our differences aside. We must focus not on what divides us — our genders, races, classes, ages, religions, political ideologies — but on the one powerful enemy we all have in common: bigotry.

We will no longer allow you to breed hatred in our school. ENOUGH!

The best weapon we have is visibility. The most dignified, self-respecting action — indeed, the only action — a gay person in the 90s must take is to come out of the closet.

If you take one action for your community and for yourself, the one that is far more important than all of the dollars you can give and all the time you can volunteer is to tell the people around you that you are gay. Let people know the truth! These people vote. If they don’t know that we’re queer — if they think only the most horrible people are queer — they will vote against us.

We have a responsibility to ourselves, to each other and to humanity. We have a responsibility to Ev Cherrington. We must show him there is nothing “wrong” about being gay. Except for what we have put up with for so long.


(P.S. Not everyone who signs this letter is queer. Most straight people actually realize there is nothing wrong with gay people. Also, you can see from our supporters across the United States that issues on the ISU campus reach much further than the city limits.)

Curt Lund


Graphic design

Jason Gross


Community and regional planning

Meron Wondwosen


Political science and French

Angie Chipman



Heather C. Martin

St. Norbert College

De Pere, Wisc.

Tom Van Waardhuizen



Reis Pearson

Graduate student

Interdisciplinary graduate studies

Lynn Wellnitz

Admissions secretary

Lauren Muser



Monica Willemsen


Sociology and religious studies

Tara Buschow



Andy Ervin



Joe Gale



Sharlene Macatangay



Allyn Lambertz



Tony Sipma


Electrical engineering

Shawn Schueller



Lauren Muser



Bob Mohr



Joel C. Fischer



Josh Weems


Animal science

John Trevillyan


Dawn O’Donnell

University of Iowa

Iowa City

Erin Repesh

Moorhead State University

Moorhead, Minn.

Amanda Purington

Moorhead State University

Moorhead, Minn.

Dave Petersen

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Duluth, Minn.

Tanya Ninneman

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Duluth, Minn.

Marti Feller

Moorhead State University

Moorhead, Minn.

Elise Jones

St. Olaf College

Northfield, Minn.

Kate Lee

St. Olaf College

Northfield, Minn.

Travis Hodgdon

Oberlin College

Oberlin, Ohio

Amber Rae Bernhardt

Bismarck State College

Bismarck, No. Dak.

Joey Jalimao-Kessler

Waco, Tex.

Mrs. M. Rex

Chelmsford, Mass.

Jeff Crowder

Los Angeles, Calif.